ACORN-REDECOM (Americas Communication Research Network- Red Americana de Investigación e Información y Comunicación) is a cross-disciplinary academic network of research centers which seeks to advance knowledge on the social, economic and political impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Americas . It fosters research and dialog among researchers who examine the economic, technological and policy issues that affect ICT and their impact on development. Among its activities, the network:
- Organizes regional conferences ( Buenos Aires (Argentina), October 5, 2007; New York (USA), April 14, 2008; Mexico City (Mexico), September 4-5, 2009; Brasilia (Brazil), May 14-15, 2010; Lima (Peru), May 19-20, 2011; Valparaiso (Chile), May 17-18, 2012)
- Fosters information and knowledge exchange among scholars and practitioners with interest in ICT in the Americas
- Aims at promoting exchange of scholars among centers in the Americas
The key goals of ACORN-REDECOM are:
- Examine and learn from policies that accelerate digital inclusion in the region
- Learn about each others’ research, shape the research agenda and present analysis and research and subject them to peer critique
- Look into ways that could result in the modernization of networks
Advance the adoption of new technologies with business models appropriate for the region - Assist policymakers in designing different models of national Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) strategies and evaluating the impact of new technologies in socioeconomic development
- Educate policymakers and the general public about the importance of ICT investments in the delivery of education, health and other government services
- Facilitate dialogue and promote public-private partnerships around ICT policy objectives
- Disseminate successful experiences (and failures) and promote exchange of ideas around ICT policy across the region.
The network comprises, as of today, the following centers:
Argentina (1)
Center: Centro de Tecnología y Sociedad
University: Universidad de San Andrés
Representative: Prof. Hernán Galperin
Brazil (4)
Center: Centro de Políticas, Direito, Economia e Tecnologias das Comunicações
University: Universidade de Brasilia
Representative: Prof. Márcio Iorio Aranha
Center: Centro de Tecnologia de Informação Aplicada
University: Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Representative: Profa. Marta de Campos Maia
Center: Cibernética Pedagógica - Laboratório de Linguagens Digitais
University: Universidade de São Paulo
Representative: Profa. Lucilene Cury
Center: Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicações
Institution: Fundação CPqD
Representative: Moacir Giansante
Canada (1)
Center: Center for the Study of Regulated IndustriesUniversity: McGill University
Representative: Prof. Rich Schultz
Chile (2)
University: Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Representative: Prof. Roberto Muñoz
Center: Departamento Ciencia de la Computación-Facultad de Ingeniería
University: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Representative: Prof. Marcos Sepúlveda Fernández
Center: Centro de Estudios Públicos
University: Universidad de Chile
Representative: Prof. Lucas Sierra
Colombia (2)
Center: Centro de Estudios de Competitividad
University: Universidad de los Andes
Representative: Prof. Martha Cecilia Rodríguez Delgado
Center: Observatorio de Educación del Caribe Colombiano
University:Universidad del Norte
Representative: Prof. Elias Said Hung
Ecuador (3)
Center: Diploma Conjunto en Economía-PUCE-UPMF
University: Pontifica Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Representative: Omar Carrera Félix
Center: Facultad de Ingeniería
University: Universidad de Cuenca
Representative: Dean Fabián Jaramillo Palacios
Center: Centro de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación
University: Universidad de Cuenca-Facultad de Ingeniería
Representative: Villie Morocho Zurita, Ph.D.
Mexico (2)
Center: Programa de Investigación en Telecomunicaciones
Institution: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE)
Representative: Prof. Judith Mariscal
Center: Graduate School of Business Management EGADE
University: Monterrey Institute of Technology ITESM, Monterrey Campus
Representative: Prof. Carlos Scheel-Mayenberger
Peru (2)
Center: Instituto del PerúUniversity: Universidad San Martin de Porras
Representative: Liliana Ruiz de Alonso
Center: Instituto para Estudios Avanzados
Representative: Dean Ivan Mifflin
United States (6)
Center: Columbia Institute for Tele-Information
University: Columbia University
Representative: Prof. Raul Katz
Center: Annenberg Research Network on International Communication
University: University of Southern California
Representative: Prof. Jonathan Aronson
Center: Quello Center for Telecommunication Management & Law
University: Michigan State University
Representative: Prof. Johannes M. Bauer
Center: Center for the Study of Hispanic Marketing Communication
University: Florida State University
Representative: Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D
Center: Center of Convergence Network Technologies
University: Syracuse University
Representative: Prof. Martha Garcia-Murillo
Center: Center for Information and Society
University of Washington
Representative: Maria Garrido, Ph.D
Venezuela (2)
Center: Maestría en "Información y Comunicación para el Desarrollo"Postgrado Interfacultades - Dirección de Postgrado, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación
University: Universidad Central de Venezuela
Representative: Dra. Olga Oropeza de Ojeda
Center: Centro nacional de Calculo Científico
University: Universidad de Los Andes
Representative: Isabel Briceño